Home Page

Year 5&6 Rydal Water

Our page is bursting with wonderful enjoyable links, photos, and brilliant information about the exciting things going on inside our class! Our class teacher, Mr. Soulsby, thoroughly appreciates our work, and much of it is displayed around the room, to make a great place to learn It is very colourful and the walls are dripping with learning! Our work I also online on our marvellous website! 

Here is what people in Rydal Water class think about it;

Carrie shouted: It’s the best class I’ve ever been in!

Ryan said: We do more adventurous things in this class.

Joe explained that it’s a good class!

Jay thinks that Rydal Water is very fun!

Finally, our school councillor exclaimed: This class is awesome!


We have a variety of fun lessons, one of them being music! We are lucky enough to be taught to play a musical instrument with Mrs Tuffin, either flute or clarinet! We also have the opportunity to learn to play other instruments with Ella from BlueJam. We hope you have fun learning more about our class, and enjoy searching our page!


Our School Councillors are Charlotte and Sam with Carrie and Raisa as Shadows. On Fridays we are taught by Miss Bland – she is a great artist!  Mrs Collins works in our class along with Mrs Sewell, Mrs Pincombe, Ms Baker and Miss Holmes.  All of these adults help us learn and achieve our very best.


Each term we have a Reading Challenge to encourage us to read many books, magazines and newspapers. During the Spring Term we will be participating in a Star Challenge! - which level do you think you will achieve? We read every day in class. Remember – The BEST readers make the BEST writers! This term studying Skellig by David Almond.


Rydal Water secrets to success are; Imagine, Don’t give up, Concentrate, Try new things, Improve, Understand others, Push yourself, Work hard


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or Mr Soulsby know!

Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Remember to visit Blog it! on a weekly basis and Sumdog daily to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!






Y5&6 are continuing to work on their Spring Term Learning Overview until May half term when a new 'short' Learning Overview will begin for the remainder of the Summer Term.
