Welcome to Coniston Class’ Webpage! Keep checking back here to see our most recent news and photographs.
We will work with Mrs Jenkinson in class, but currently we are working with Mrs Wild for a while. Mrs Osborne works with us too for most of the week and Miss Holmes when Mrs Osborne is not about. We also work with Mrs Fairhurst for music and Mrs Sewell and Mr Hart for P.E.
We have settled back into school really well after the summer holidays and have actually explored the rest of the building! We had not seen inside other parts of the school before because of the Covid Bubbles. We are learning our new routines and are becoming independent. Our organisational skills are improving! We are enthusiastic to learn and show increasing resilience. We like to work hard and play hard in Coniston. We show great focus but ensure we have lots of fun along the way. You can often hear our enthusiastic excitement, and we are very lucky that we get on so well as a class team.
We are all keen to help and support each other and it makes our class a happy place to be! We are brilliant readers and enjoy our class story as well as information magazines and information books. This term, we are reading ‘The Iron Man’ alongside our Forces and Light topic in Science. Whilst reading, we love to discuss our stories and learn new vocabulary. Reading helps us with our writing so we love reading lots at home too. It is great for us to analyse the plot, make predictions and notice how authors use language to tell us about key characters, settings and create different atmospheres. Sometimes we ‘magpie’ (pinch) ideas from authors and it all helps develop our learning.
Together we have created our own class rules, which we are all trying our best to follow;
To help us in lessons, we are focusing on becoming independent learners. We follow the ‘5 Bs’ (brain, book, board, buddy, boss) to help ourselves become resilient. We are encouraged to manage any distractions and know that more can be achieved as a team.
Our topic this term is the Anglo-Saxons. We launched our topic this term by designing our own shields and discussing how shield designs were developed. We will be looking at how the Anglo-Saxons settled and how their language and government still has its influence today. Geography is woven into this topic, especially as we study Settlements and how the country was split up.
We are developing our skills as investigators in science and enjoying exploring how to set up a fair test and knowing what we have to measure or observe. We start with Forces, which includes work with magnets, after, we move onto Light.
In art and design, we are going to become skilled with textiles…just watch this space!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
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