We are a mixed group of Year 3 and Year 4 children. We work with Mrs Cookson and Miss Johnston and are lucky enough to have our sports coach Mrs Elwood work with us for an afternoon a week to improve our sporting skills.
We have Literacy and Numeracy lessons every morning and then in the afternoons we learn from a whole range of interesting and exciting topics. This term we are learning; Why do so many people go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? What happens to the food we eat? Who first lived in Britain? As well as learning greetings and animals in French, how to develop software and designing toys in Computing and What is a pilgrimage?
We have weekly spellings which are given out on a Friday, as well as a Literacy homework on a Monday and Numeracy on a Friday. We are expected to read every school night for at least 10 minutes- as children who read succeed!!
Together we have created our own class rules which we are all trying our best to follow. We will:
We are looking forward to electing our class councillors – watch this space as they will be adding to our class webpage once elected.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or Mrs Cookson and Miss Johnston know!
Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites!
Remember to visit Blog it! on a weekly basis and Sumdog daily to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!