A warm welcome to Ullswater Class!
We are a class of Year 3s who love our learning! We are taught by Miss Johnston (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Mrs Cookson (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday).
Our normal school morning follows a pattern of a Class Read: in Autumn term we are reading ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We practise our fluency, expressing and understanding of reading during this time. We love the dramatic and exciting language of this story. After class reading, we begin our Literacy session which is also based on the Iron Man in Autumn term. We have written stories and described settings and characters to develop our vocabulary and writing skills. This year, we are also reading Beowulf as part of our History topic ‘Vikings’ and Journey to The River Sea which follows our Geography topic ‘Rivers’.
After that, we start our Numeracy sessions; we begin the year by learning about place value and number lines, moving on to addition and subtraction. We use ‘Maths No Problem’ which the children are familiar with from Brunswick School. We will also be focussing on learning our times tables using Times Table Rock Stars – which the children can log in to at home. This allows children to participate in rock battles to improve their times table fluency whilst having lots of fun! We also compete against each other on Sumdog to earn coins and improve our maths knowledge. The class have all taken home their log in details for these websites so they can continue their learning at home. (They are inside their Reading Records, if you need a reminder).
Every other Monday afternoon, we use the computing suite. As a class, we look at how to keep safe online and be responsible technology users. We learn how to navigate FROG, our virtual learning environment, and do lots of different programming using Scratch. FROG is a useful tool at home as you can share your learning, upload homework and check out all of the different pages from the 100 mile challenge to P4C!
This term we have PE on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon-this term we are building up our throwing and catching skills ready for some small netball matches! We also love to get out and run, walk or scoot a mile as we are working on our 100 mile challenge!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
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