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Year 3&4 Buttermere

Keep checking back here to see our most recent news.


Our class has 29 children and we are a mix of Year 3 and Year 4. We work with Mrs Clark and Mrs Cookson who share equal responsibility for the class. On a Monday both Mrs Clark and Mrs Cookson teach us, on Tuesday and Wednesday we have Mrs Clark and on Thursday and Friday we have Mrs Cookson. Also many different Teaching Assistants help us with our learning.


So far this term the Year 4’s have been fantastic role models to the Year 3’s, really helping them to settle in.


Together we have created our own class rules, which we are all trying our best to follow;

  • We share ideas so we can learn together.
  • We seek help when we are stuck (Brain, Book, Board, Buddy, Boss).
  • We respect equipment and resources and help keep our learning environment tidy and safe.
  • We listen to each other and value our ideas.
  • We help each other to learn by sharing equipment.
  • We respect each other by listening and keeping still when others are talking.
  • We talk politely to one another.


During our poetry week we have written acrostic poems about ourselves and we wrote one together about Buttermere Class-


  • Being in brilliant Buttermere makes us feel proud.
  • Understanding work is fun.
  • Together in Buttermere makes us feel joyful.
  • Totally terrific learners in every lesson.
  • Exciting lessons every day.
  • Respecting each other is very important.
  • Meet our amazing class- come to Buttermere!
  • Everyone works hard in excellent Buttermere.
  • Reach for the sky! We can all achieve.
  • Every time something is hard and difficult, we never give up!


We are looking forward to electing our class councillors soon – watch this space as they will be adding to our class webpage once elected.


During the Autumn term we are visiting Penrith Leisure Centre on Monday afternoons to take part in our Gymnastics sessions with Ina.  We are also starting an exciting project combining Rugby and sign language!


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor, Mrs Clark or Mrs Cookson know!

Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
