Buttermere class is a group of fantastic Year 3 children. We have settled into life at school happily and are enjoying the routine of learning in this new school environment. We are taught by Mrs Clark and Mrs Sewell (for PE and Music on a Tuesday afternoon). Our teaching assistant who helps us with our learning is Miss Wills. We are looking forward to continuing our exciting learning over the year.
Our normal mornings in school include Reading, Literacy, number fluency and Numeracy. We are reading ‘The Iron Man’ which is a classic story. It is a very exciting story with a dramatic beginning, we enjoyed drawing our own ideas of how the Iron Man looked. We have been writing sound poetry and setting descriptions based on the Iron Man already. We will be describing character next too.
In our Maths No Problem sessions we have been learning about place value and number lines. We will be focussing on learning our times tables using Times Table Rock Stars – which the children can also log in at home. We have also been competing against each other on Sumdog to earn coins and improve our maths knowledge. The class have all taken home their log in details for these websites so they can continue their learning at home. (They are inside their Reading Records)
Our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday and we love keeping active and playing fun games together outside. Lots of children in Buttermere class enjoy playing on their scooters at break times and sensibly wear their helmets when scooting. This is a fantastic form of exercise and keeps us active. The outdoor space at school is very popular and the class love to play in the nature area, play football, climb on the climbing wall, use the adventure play and play with all of our play equipment at playtimes.
We love reading and we have many great books in our book boxes. We know that reading helps our writing, so Mrs Clark would like us to read every school night at home. If not every night then ‘Strive for 5’. In addition to reading our own books, we have planned some excellent group readers this year. Additional ideas for fantastic reading books check out www.booksfortopics.com for the 50 best books for Year 3 children to read.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
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