This term in Buttermere we have had lots of fun with our learning and have been working hard on settling into life at North Lakes school.
In Literacy our writing has been based on our class reading text ‘The Iron Man’. We have described characters and settings, been journalists and written diaries too. We are improving our independence and our cursive writing. As well as this, we have worked incredibly hard on our phonics and spellings patterns. Many of us have used Lexia to embed this
learning, both in afternoon phonics sessions and at home too.
We have been working hard on reading at home and ‘striving for 5’ as well as practising our fluency, expression and accuracy every day in school when reading our class text aloud. We are building our confidence with this and are making lots of progress, as well as earning team points and prizes for regular reading. We have also enjoyed sharing our reading with Ted, our regular reading dog in school.
In Maths, we have been working hard on addition and subtraction. We have used lots of manipulatives (counters, tens frames) to build our confidence before moving onto written methods. We have learnt how to use the column method to solve equations - noticing where we can calculate mentally! In fluency we have been developing a deep and visual understanding of the quantity value of each number to 10.
Our afternoons have been exciting as we’ve begun to learn French, have studied maps in Geography and have learned about the Anglo-Saxons (completing place mats and tapestries). In Music, we have enjoyed learning new songs and exploring Charanga.
Our Science lessons have been practical and fun. We’ve learned about magnets – our favourite lesson was when we had to make a car move without touching it – we had some very creative ideas. Also, our light topic has been interesting with our shadow puppets being a highlight. In PE we’ve been practising our football and netball skills, walking and running miles around our trim trail and enjoying all the outdoor space on offer. In RE we have learnt more about Christianity with a visit to St Andrew’s to find out about Christmas for Christians. We have really enjoyed using the Computing Suite and learning how to program a sprite on Scratch. We have also got to know FROG and enjoy posting to our class timeline.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication towards homework! It makes a huge difference to our learning in school. We have all made a fantastic start at NLS and can’t wait to have more fun learning our new topics in the Spring term.