During Spring term Buttermere class have really enjoyed all our learning, but making Viking longboats, writing myths and meeting Hrothgar (our Viking visitor) have been our favourites.
In Literacy our writing has been based on our class reading text ‘Beowulf’, our Kennings were fun and we have written myths based on this story and our own too. We enjoyed creating heroes and monsters! We are working on our peer assessment, sharing our writing and supporting each other with our spellings. We are still working hard on our spellings, Phonics and Lexia too.
Our fluency, expression and accuracy in our reading are really improving, with many children moving up the colour bands and getting prizes in class for regular reading. We are continuing to share our reading with Ted, our regular Year 3 reading dog in school.
Celebrating World Book Day with our free book exchange was so much fun. Every child chose a new book and loved taking it home to share. Our ‘blind date with a book’ activities helped us to celebrate reading for pleasure, the enjoyment of reading which we hope every child will develop.
In Maths, we have been working on our multiplication, division and fractions. We have had regular times table tests so that we speed up our number facts. Everyone is improving. We have drawn shapes so we can learn about fractions of shapes and used counted to learn about fractions of numbers.
In the afternoons we have worked hard in French lessons learning lots of new vocabulary. We have learned about the Vikings in Geography and History sessions and have made Viking longboat models in our DT project. We love singing our Vikings songs with enthusiasm and have enjoyed hockey and gymnastics in PE this term. Ina and Chloe have taught us many new gymnastics skills at the Leisure Centre, with some children going on to attend the classes on the weekends too.
Our Science topics have been sound and animals, which we’ve really enjoyed. We found it tricky to learn all the categories of animals but enjoyed sorting them. We took part in some Buddhist meditation so we could learn more about Buddhist techniques for reaching enlightenment. We have also recorded our own green screen presentations in computing which have been fun and informative.
Many thanks for all the support this term, homework and reading routines are now established and are making a big difference. We are looking forward to learning to swim during the Summer term.