Keep checking back here to see our most recent news.
In our class there are 30 Year 3 and Year 4 children. We work with Mrs Clark, Ms Wills and different Teaching Assistants who also help us with our learning. So far this term Year 4 have been fantastic role models to Year 3, really helping them to settle in.
Together we have created our own class rules which we are all trying our best to follow.
As a class we decided how important these rules were so decided to order them this way.
We are looking forward to electing our class councillors soon – watch this space as they will be adding to our class webpage once elected.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or Ms Wills know!
Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites!
Remember to visit Blog it! on a weekly basis and Sumdog daily to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!