This term has whizzed by! We have enjoyed so many activities and we love to be with our classes when we can and join them for activities on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We love PE and Art and do a range of other things. On Tuesdays our class friends come and bake with us - our parents and friends will have tasted many tasty treats!
We have worked hard on our reading, writing and we have worked on our numbers. We explore a different book theme each week and we enjoy making our sensory trays. This week we have been watching the ‘Snowman’ and we have a very frosty snow tray full of snowmen and igloos!
We love our sensory, feely displays and use lots of different textures and materials. We have to make sure that we don’t make our displays too bright - not everyone in our class likes bright and vivid displays.
Some of us use Makaton and we are becoming very good; one of us uses communication boards. This term two class members have learned a few words and we really celebrate! It is fantastic.
This term, we have started swimming again and have loved our RDA Horse-riding at Rookin House. Do you know that they have over 80 horses? Our horses Archilles, Sam and Lizzie are just fabulous. We can all ‘mount ‘ and have to listen to instructions like ‘Walk on’ - We love it!
Grasmere enjoyed looking for the Angels on the town ‘Angel Trail’ The children enjoyed scanning the shop windows for the Angels and saw different Angels made from different materials in the shop windows. They thoroughly enjoying finding them and thought the ‘Angels’ displayed in the town centre were the best. They are just stunning! Beautiful! Penrith looks fantastic! Well done Penrith!
There are several activities over Christmas including Sunbeams on 18th and 21st December. We love Sunbeams!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
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