Home Page

Grasmere Resourced Provision

We all love to come to school. There are lots of smiling faces each morning and it is great to hear all the ‘Good Mornings!’


P.E, walking and enjoying ‘The Boogie Bounce’ has kept us all fit and healthy. We bought our own trampoline for Grasmere and get it out with the Slide and balls.  Razz came and we all enjoyed dancing. We dance regularly and you should see us when we put on ‘Go Noodle.’ We dance and shake our hands and feet.


We love our ‘Ball Pool’ too. Lots of learning takes place there! Counting and hiding things. We look under, behind, on top of, next to, for our prepositions.


Our routines are really important. We have to know what is happening and prepare for any change. So the weather forecast is something we look at regularly. We love our books and different activities and games which help our learning.


One of our favourite things is ‘Singing Hands.’ We can sing and sign with Makaton. Some of us are very good. One or two of us are very verbal, one or two of us less so we have to communicate with symbols and by making signs.


Arts and crafts is something we enjoy as we need to practice using all of our hand muscles, holding paint brushes, sticking and pushing, pulling and mixing playdough and plasticene.  We have just had a fish theme. We have enjoyed several Julia Donaldson books this term: Sharing a Shell.  Sharing is always something we work on. We have also looked at emotions particularly Happy and Sad.


We made a wormery as one of our friends loves ‘Superworm.’ We had to feed the worms and went out collecting every day for leaves. Brenda our school cook gave us ‘Vegetable Peel.’ One of us had to go and ask for it.



We all love to be outside and our walks have been great. We have walked locally. On one walk a foal had just been born. We collect things for art and enjoy lots of activities e.g. counting.


It is so exciting as we are able to go into our classes in mainstream school for 3 afternoons a week. It is great to be able to see our friends. We work hard when we are in there. The children do love to see us. We choose a buddy each week to come and bake with us. We taste, feel and smell, we mix and stir. The best thing is taking our cooking home! Yum!


We look forward to the day we can go on a visit or two. We would like to visit the ‘Aquarium’ and ‘Watchtree.’ At least we have had some lovely walks, these have included: St Ninians, Lowther, Keswick Railway line… the list is endless.


The best bit is getting on swings and slides. These are very good for our ‘Gross Motor Skills.’ We have become quite brave about trying new things. We have had to be so careful and sanitise! We are so used to washing our hands regularly now.


We have loved our garden in Grasmere. Our friends love the water and mud. We do try and keep it looking nice. During Eco Week we planted lots of things for the Bumble Bees.



Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!

Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!

North Lakes School: Y6 Class of 2021

North Lakes School: Y6 Class of 2021
