We have had an amazing year. As a group we are enjoying lots of space and exercise. We love the outdoors for first hand learning.
As we have been in our own Bubble E for the majority of the year and not able to access the hall for PE, we have been creative. We started the year as the ‘Grasmere Ramblers’ thanks to one of our parents who got us t-shirts! We rambled all over. It has been great to take our learning outdoors and look for the changing seasons, habitats, small creatures etc.
Our book of the week is thematic and we use the theme across the curriculum in our maths, literacy and art. One week our book for the week was ‘Super worm.’ We made a wormery and our thematic work was all about worms. We collected peelings and other food for the wormery and we looked at the life cycle of worms and counted worms for maths. We halved the peelings and we did lots of worm based ‘art.’ We learned some of the rhymes and learned the Makaton for the various insects. We even made ‘Worms’ in baking- the cheese variety! The worms were released at the end of the week. We did make sure that we were very kind ensuring that they were always in a cool, dark place.
On our walks we have had the occasional treat and visited play parks. This has enabled us to climb, using our gross and fine motor skills. We have had to take turns, make requests, choose and take a risk-trying something new. Some of our class members were reluctant to try anything but now will try a substantial slide!
Walking stamina, road safety and handholding have all improved and the language and chat is just fantastic. We have heard new words and seen such enthusiasm for walking! The children have been resilient and put on their waterproofs; walking in the rain.
The icing on the cake has been the children visiting their classes in the afternoons- this has been ongoing from May. They have enjoyed forging new friendships and participating in whole class activities. They have also been able to invite their friends for baking. Inclusion works both ways.
We hope in September that some normality will resume with RDA (Riding for the disabled) and swimming starting again. Fingers crossed!
Can I please ask parents to join the Summer Reading Challenge. It is inclusive. All of the children just love books, and we read together every day. There is a school zone, Library Zone and Home Zone.
It opened on Saturday 10th July... Please join and enjoy!
Can we just wish our Year 6 pupil a fantastic time on his move to KS3 at James Rennie. Like the other year 6 children, he is more than ready, is as tall as us and will be an amazing Year 7! Wishing everyone a wonderful summer!
By Ms Rollings