Welcome to Bassenthwaite Lake Class Page. In our class we are all becoming responsible and reliable members of Year 6 and our school community. We are very lucky to have Miss Ridley as our teaching assistant, as she really helps us with our learning.
In September, Bassenthwaite created their Five Class Rules. These rules were suggested by members of our class and we all gave examples of what we might be doing to show that we are following the rules. Once we had created these, we all signed them to show that we agree to follow Bassenthwaite’s Top 5 rules. If we are able to follow these, pebbles are put into our class jar and once the jar is full, we can get a treat!
Summer term is always a busy time! We have taken part in lots of exciting opportunities, alongside our PE days, which are Monday and Thursday. Some of the sporting experiences that we have completed include: Tag Rugby with Eden Valley Sports Partnership, Dance with Razzamataz, Tri Golf with Penrith Golf Course and Boogie Bounce with Sarah Newby. These have all been fantastic experiences allowing us to try new sports and discover some new interests.
We are really trying to push ourselves this year with our reasoning in Maths, so that we become Maths Masters! As a class, we are going to try and ‘Dive Deeper’ and explore our thinking. We question our thinking and try to find a variety of ways to solve problems. We love using the resources in the classroom, which help us to understand and solve problems.
We love reading in Bassenthwaite! Children have their own reading book which they enjoy reading in any spare time there is. Children can then return their book once they have done and swap it for a new one that may take their interest. This year, we have read the book Machine Gunners in the Autumn term and now in the Summer term, we are reading The Explorer.
We are really looking forward to learning more about Rainforests this term, in particular the Amazon Rainforest. We will be looking at where the Amazon Rainforest is located and why it is so special. As a class, we will also be discovering more about the Mayans.
A target for us as a class this year, is to make sure we are always working at the year 6 standard. We have great responsibilities as Year 6’s, whether it is a Buddy, Sports Leader, Singing Leader or Digital Leader. We always makes sure we are doing the best that we can!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
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