Do you know what a flash mob is? It is a when a group of people assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly spontaneous dance act for a brief time, before quickly dispersing. They are often used for the purposes of entertainment!
It was way back in March during the Year 6 dance programme when Mrs Greenwood proposed the idea to the Year 6 team of performing a ‘flash mob’ to celebrate the end of the year. No encouragement was needed as it was a unanimous YES from all! She then set about planning the idea and came across dancer Jane Fullerton who has helped to put a piece together. So, over the past 4 weeks the year 6 have been rehearsing in secret to produce a piece to ‘Uptown Funk’ – a very catchy tune. The aim was to surprise people around NLS and in a few public places and to get the whole school dancing for the end of term.
The first performance was at the end of a playtime when the whole school was going about their usual routine until music began to play and the Year 6 congregated and danced away! All pupils were taken by surprise, some a little confused and others keen to boogie on down with the Year 6 team. Our second performance was at Sainsbury’s Store during the bag pack. The choir had just performed and then Uptown Funk started to play and so singers became dancers. The Year 5 choir members this time joined the force as well as a few keen shoppers and parents! Have a look on the school Facebook site for our wonderful performance – it certainly gave the shoppers a nice surprise in the grocery aisle!