Home Page



We are Windermere Class. Our Y3 class councillor is Sophie and Ben is our Y3 shadow councillor. Our Y4 class councillor is Josh and Maddison and Freya are our Y4 shadow councillors. Our teacher is Miss Cheesebrough and on a Friday afternoon we have Miss Potter and Mrs Sewell for P.E. and golden time. 

This term, out topic is the Vicious Vikings; we will be looking at how the Vikings lived and what life was like for them. We will be going on a Viking trip and have many other exciting things planned to help with our Viking investigation. We will also be looking at and reading the book 'How to Train Your Dragon' during our literacy lessons. In science we have begun looking at forces and how they affect our world today and the lives of the Vikings. 

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or Miss Cheesebrough know! 

Have you seen Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some exciting websites. You can vote for your favourites! 

Make sure that you visit Blog It! too!
