This is Ullswater Class. We are Year 3 and 4 children who enjoy learning and try to make the most of all the wonderful opportunities provided by our school. Below is some of the work from throughout this year. So far we have enjoyed really interesting topics such as The Vikings, The Titanic and now we are all studying The Olympic games.

Mrs Batley and Mrs Greenwood are our class teachers along with Mrs Kelly, Mrs Brooks and Mrs Sewell who also work with us throughout the week. We have two class councillors Abbie and Lewis who attend regular meetings on behalf of us all. They take along ideas and share the latest goings on with us after each meeting. Here are a few thoughts from some of the members from Ullswater Class
Abbie Says ‘I likes doing Art. I also like the displays on the walls in the classroom which are really bright and colourful. My favourite area is the playground.’

Alex says: ‘I like the interactive white bored in our class. Alex likes going outside in the playground but he also likes working in the classroom!’
Jack says: He likes the walls because they have Maths timetables on and they are colorful. Jack like the playground outside because you have got a big space to run around!
Ruby: She likes drawing in Golden Time, and she likes her teacher, she also likes playing with Shauri and Abbie. Her favorite activity in school was making the Viking people because she thought it was fun!

Jessica: In the classroom she likes Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. Batley teaching us because they are nice and they help you when you are stuck, She like that there are lots of kind people and that they help you!
Kieran D: In the classroom he likes the walls because they look creative. In the whole school he like the playground because its big. He like doing math’s in year 3!
Ben: He likes golden time because you get to do fun things like drawing. He’s favorite part of the school is the playground.