What a day on March 1st as years 5 and 6 headed out to Lowther. Anya got our reading imagination inspired with her Story trail... she came in and read her story trail about Pip who had many adventures at Lowther Castle.
So off we went on this cold, crisp day dressed in our old clothes and wellies to follow Pip's trail... it was fantastic. We had to follow maps and clues following the story and Pips fantastic adventures, it involved lots of walking, observing, thinking carefully, working together, not giving up and taking that extra risk!!
Pip was an inspiration as he met his goals and wishes, although he could never actually be an owl, although he could try.
At the end of the session we all had to make a wish, we threw a penny from the bridge onto a stone.....Then we had to find our way back starting up a treacherous steep path!
Following this exciting adventure we spent a session in the grounds of Lowther looking at their reconstruction, we focussed on the wildlife and the proactive grounds men, gardeners, excavators who were doing their best to attract wildlife and insects to the gardens and grounds of Lowther.
Lowther is having its original market gardens restored, they will need to attract bees to pollinate, much thought is going into plants and colours that particularly attract bees. We discovered animal tracks and followed these.
We also looked at the environment around us and how original trees and landscape are being preserved or in some cases restored.
- “I liked it when we had to get through an elastic rope challenge!” Lainey - Y5
- “An adventure packed day!” Tegan - Y6
- “I was in Miss Baker's group, we found fantastic shelter like dens built into the trees. The dens could be a good place for mystery and magic.” Ben T - Y6
- “It was great listening to Pip's achievements and goals that he had set for himself... we could all learn a lesson from Pip.” - Toby - Y5
- “I enjoyed the walk up the steep path, which I nearly fell off. Although I was out of puff, it was great!” Declan - Y5
- “I loved exploring we found a rabbit and other bits and pieces, we could invent a great story around those. I took some really good photographs.” - Jay M Y6