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National Sing Up Day 2012 (March 2012)

Raise my voice - Sing Up

Kids from Jam Theatre Company performing the choreography to Carrie and David's song, Raise my voice! You can find this song and others in the Song Bank at

North Lakes School flew the flag for Sing Up yet again and ‘Spread a Little Singing’ for National Sing Up Day on Friday 2nd March.

During the day, everyone at North Lakes celebrated in a variety of ways;
  • Every taught lesson began with a song
  • Parents and children were encouraged to share their favourite songs with each other;
  • There was singing in the playground;
  • We had a special competition to make an Otis toy (Sing Up Mascot) in the style of a famous singer or book character!
  • Children wore their special Sing Up Platinum T Shirts and Caps!
  • And finally, a Sponsored Silence raised over £600!

Our special ‘Sing Up Shush Up’ celebration was the ideal time to announce the winners of the 2012 Otis competition, the over-all winner being Maisie. This celebratory assembly was also the ideal time to introduce our new singing leaders from the choir, John Mc, Liam S. Macy H, Chloe D.

We concluded our special day with a performance of ‘Raise My Voice’, even the parents were bopping along to the actions.

As an Ambassador School, we have been working with St Catherine School to achieve their Sing Up Silver Award and other schools in the county. North Lakes School in now one of Sing Up’s National Providers for training and support for other schools along side Soundwave, Jilly Jarman, Carlisle Cathedral and Cumbria Music Service. After school, we hosted a workshop for over 40 staff from other local schools which was excellent – check out the teachers singing Opera on the school website.