We have had a busy Spring term in Elterwater! We have been working really hard and have got stuck into new challenges and opportunities.
Every day, we have enjoyed reading our class text, ‘Beowulf’ by Michael Morpurgo, aloud with fluency and expression. Inspired by the vocabulary in the book, we have been working on writing our own Viking myths and including all of the writing features which we have learned, such as adverbials, conjunctions and embedded clauses. It has been really exciting to come up with our own heroes and villains, and we especially enjoyed focusing on dragons! ‘Beowulf also influenced our P4C discussions as we created ‘Big Questions’ from it like ‘Is Grendel evil?’
In Maths, we have been continuing to use our mathematical skills to help us to solve problems. We have been looking at multiplication and division using new methods to help us answer questions carefully. We have also been working on counting in fractions, mixed numbers and equivalency. We are working especially hard on our times tables, and are trying to know every single one as fast as we can! We love to spend time practising on TTRS and Sumdog.
Our afternoons are always fun-filled and action packed! Our lessons have helped us to learn lots of interesting facts to help with our Viking topic. For our Design Technology project this term, we made Viking longboats. We used milk bottles to create the shape of a real ship then decorated them in an authentic Viking way. We especially enjoyed designing our own sails and dragon heads to go at the front of the boat. We finished off by evaluating our designs like real designers! In Science, the topic of sound gave us lots of opportunities to conduct some exciting experiments with musical instruments! We have also become musicians in ICT, using ‘Garageband’ on the iPads to make our own piece of music electronically and we learned to sing a round and improvise and compose accompaniments on glockenspiels in music.
Mr Hart has been keeping us on our toes in P.E. whilst learning netball, hockey and rugby skills. We have learned about instructions and animals in French and even have a conversation about how we’re feeling during register each day. We meditated and made Buddhist prayer flags in R.E. In PSHCE we celebrated our different emotions and discussed how to learn from our mistakes as well as learning how to stay safe online.