The children of Elterwater have settled in well this Autumn Term. They are full of energy and spark and rise to challenges. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one. We have been focussing hard on working together with care and respect for one another, listening, following school rules and trying our best. We’re so proud of the children and the progress they’ve made. Thank you so much to everyone at home for your continued encouragement, support with homework and communication. It really has felt like a team effort and is much appreciated!
In English, we have been captivated by the exploits of young Hogarth and his unlikely friend ‘The Iron Man’. The giant himself even tried to break into Elterwater during the night leaving half chewed metal objects strewn across the classroom! This motivated us to become journalists and report the incredible event in the local newspaper. Along with setting and character descriptions, diaries and poetry, Ted Hughes’ story has inspired us to think critically, discuss intelligently and write to the best of our abilities.
In year 4, we have continued to become mathematicians that are confident, explain our thinking and learn from our marvellous mistakes. We have worked hard on our key mathematical facts and learned new strategies to add, subtract and round 3- and 4-digit numbers. We can interpret and draw bar and line graphs, know how to identify lines of symmetry and take every chance we get to practise our times tables! In Computing, we have explored Scratch whilst debugging our code and have enjoyed contributing to our class timeline on Frog.
Afternoons are full of fun and new learning. We’ve had interesting discussions in PSHE, RE and Philosophy about friendship, boundaries, temptation and differing perspectives. Mr Hart has helped improve our football and netball skills as well as keeping us fit and healthy with our 100-Mile Challenge. In Science we’ve tested the friction of toy cars rolled down different surface materials and made shadow puppets for our light investigation. A highlight in music has been our visitors from ‘BlueJam’ giving us the opportunity to create and record beats, rhythms and sounds for our very own electronic class composition!
We’ve also travelled back in time to the Anglo-Saxon era to learn about the history and geography of the early settlers. We’ve learned how to embroider, replicating the skills of those who created the Bayeux Tapestry, and designed and made our own brooches. A trip to Penrith Museum to see, hold and even wear Anglo-Saxon jewellery, weapons and armour really captured our imaginations and brought this topic alive for us.
As the end of such an interesting and busy term approaches, we would like to wish you a happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!