This term Year 3/4 enjoyed a visit from Cleopatra - the Egyptian Queen. She visited to tell us traditional Egyptian stories, and to tell us what life was like for the Egyptians. We learned about mummification, shared traditional toys and games and found out more about the Nile and pyramids. We even had a go at traditional Egyptian dancing!

We watched a re-enactment of a mummification, complete with incense and a prayer for the after-life. We removed the brain using a special hook that went up the nose of the deceased! Kian and Hannah helped with the bandages. We wore on the death mask and wafted the incense to purify the air in the tomb.
The Egyptian games were fun; we learned how to play Mancala, a traditional board game, and we all enjoyed the challenge. The spinning tops were tricky, while leap frog & tug of war were really fun. We completed a team trading game, swapping belongings instead of exchanging money - just like the Ancient Egyptians would have done. We also built a wooden pyramid made of over 65 bricks - we had to work on our relationships to be successful.
Finally, the day ended with some traditional dancing and a fun story which we told together as a group. Throughout the day we learned a lot from our visitor and really enjoyed the experience.