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CRU Christmas Update (Dec 2021)

This term, Crummock Water have taken a trip back in time to the Victorian Era. We have enjoyed plotting timelines, learning interesting facts about life during the Victorian times and focused a lot on how the impact of the Railway impacted Penrith as a town. We have found out lots of interesting facts and enjoyed listening to a talk from a local train driver and sharing class discussions about the changes over time. The Victorians has been a fantastic topic to start the school year with.


The children have been fully engaged in our class text Cogheart and have really enjoyed following the story of Malkin and his adventure to find Lily with the secret letter. We have been working on our inferencing and retrieval skills; fluency and expression; and have enjoyed creating and  writing about our own mechanical character,  using ideas and evidence from the text.


COP26 in Glasgow captured us all in Crummock Water this term! We were inspired to follow the Climate Change debates and learn more about how we can help our planet. We gathered our own research about Climate Change and had many class debates about different issues such as: deforestation, burning fossil fuels and the use of palm oil. Crummock Water have based their writing on this topic and have used their skills to write balanced arguments and letters to leaders such as the Prime Minister.


Crummock have thoroughly enjoyed their weekly swimming sessions at Penrith Leisure Centre and their Sports sessions with Mr Hart and Mrs Sewell.  In computing we have worked with Mr Soulsby to create our very own games in Scratch which are based on Cogheart.  We have enjoyed contributing to our class time lines on Frog and enjoy using the iPads to help with our learning every day. 


This term, we all began to learn a woodwind instrument with Mrs Tuffin and have enjoyed revisiting the Boom Whackers in the weeks leading up to Christmas.


Looking back over the term, Crummock Water have settled into year 5&6. They have given everything their all and have come together as a class. They are focused, kind, caring and have been working on the new pupil code of conduct. We will continue to work on our resilience as we move into the Spring Term.

