Home Page

Coniston Water - Y4

Welcome to Coniston Class’ Webpage!


Keep checking back here to see our most recent news and photographs.


We work with Mrs Jenkinson in class and Mrs Todd works with us too. We also work with Mrs Pincombe for numeracy and Mrs Sewell and Mr Hart for P.E.


We have settled back into school really well after a spell of home-learning due to Covid-19 and have made some excellent progress. We have shown great commitment to learning and a great resilience. We like to work hard and play hard in Coniston, and we show great focus but ensure we have lots of fun along the way. You can usually hear lots of laughter, and we are very lucky that we get on so well as a class team.


We are all keen to help and support each other and it makes our class a happy place to be! We are brilliant readers and love our shared stories. This term, we are reading ‘The Explorer’ alongside our Rainforest and Mayans topics. Whilst reading, we love to discuss our stories and learn new vocabulary. Reading helps us with our writing so we love reading lots at home too. It is great for us to analyse the plot, make predictions and notice how authors use language to tell us about key characters, settings and create different atmospheres. Sometimes we ‘magpie’ (pinch) ideas from authors and it all helps develop our learning.


Together we have created our own class rules, which we are all trying our best to follow;

  • We always stay positive!
  • We respect each other and listen carefully.
  • We always respect our room and equipment.
  • We always persevere.
  • We always give 100% effort to our learning and try our best.


To help us in lessons, we are focusing on becoming independent learners. We follow the ‘5 Bs’ (brain, book, board, buddy, boss) to help ourselves become resilient.


Our topic this term is the Rainforest. We launched our topic this term  with a virtual talk from Greenpeace about deforestation. We have looked at the eco-systems and the climate of the areas. We are looking at persuasive writing, and exploring explanation texts- for example explaining how the water cycle works.


We have become very passionate about debates and discussions to do with the production of palm oil and the impact this is having on the Orangutans in Borneo. We are also considering the impact of industrial corporate farming and how we can make small changes that will have a big impact- for example eating locally sourced meat products that haven’t travelled for miles to get to our plate. Also looking at meat alternatives. We have written letters to Managing directors of Supermarkets to ask them to ensure their stores stock responsibly sourced meat produce.


In history, we have been learning about the Mayans and indigenous populations. We have found it quite interesting to learn about the different roles of people in Mayan society, and how life was in everyday Mayan communities. We have been looking at different artefacts and learning about history from these. In art, we are looking at the work of Rousseau and recreating our own masterpieces based on some of his work. Some of the work produced has been fantastic- please have a look in our gallery to see this. We also designed and made our own Eco-bags which we took home and use instead of plastic bags. This is in our attempt to help reduce waste- re-use and re-cycle products to help our environment.


In PHSE we have been learning about the work of Malala and thinking about equality. We have also been learning about Greta Thunburg and how we can all play our part in making a difference. As part of this project, we have been learning about plastic pollution and global warming.


Next term we are having a focus on ‘Electricity’ in Science. We are going to make out own ‘light up’ Rainforest animal using a circuit and switch.


As part of our class routine, we have spellings on a Monday. We have P.E on Tuesday and Friday. We strive for 5 by reading 5 times a week and getting our reading diaries signed, we then share our progress with this on Frog on a Friday.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your School Councillor or your teacher know!

Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp!
