Welcome to Elterwater class page. We are a fabulous, creative and focused group of children who have settled well into the new class and our new school year. We love learning and working as a team, where we share ideas, challenge one another and work collaboratively. At times we also work on our own and show what we are capable of as individuals.
My name is Mrs Jenkinson and I am Elterwater’s class teacher. However, there are many other support staff who come to see us at various points during the week. We have Mrs Murry (who covers Mrs Jenkinson for PPA) and teaches us spellings and PHSE. Mrs Smith who supports with Maths, Mrs Osbourne and Mrs Todd who support with phonics- and Mrs Collins and Miss Bland who come in as volunteers to read with us. Throughout the Year we will also work with Sports coaches, which we really love.
In our class, we have an atmosphere where we try our hardest and always do our best. It is important that we have high aspirations and strive to improve- and sometimes this even means making mistakes. We see mistakes as valuable learning opportunities and it is important to reflect on these and grow stronger because of them.
At times when we find things a challenge, we have to dig deep and make sure we show how resilient we are. We have a focus on the 5 R’s in our class- relationships, resourcefulness, reflecting, resilience and risk taking. It is crucial that we have a go, even if we are out of our comfort zone. Often, when we do this, we can surprise ourselves and this is when we develop optimal learning.
We have an exciting curriculum and this term we are learning about the Victorians in history, Forces and Gravity in science, and looking at Making Monotypes- including the work of William Morris in Art. In music, we are learning to play the recorder and in French, we are learning about sports, preferences, time and daily routines! P.E is a real passion of ours and we are currently focusing on Football and Netball. We are developing out ICT skills by becoming game developers and this is something we are looking forward to. In R.E we are thinking about leaders, including religious leaders and what makes a good leader.
This takes me nicely on to introduce our newly voted class representatives, who are part of our school council. They are Harris, Annie, Callum and Amelia. If you have any ideas and suggestions to further improve our class and school, then please put them in out class suggestions box! We’d love to hear what great ideas you have and they are great listeners.
I am very keen to work closely with you as parents and have sent a letter out to welcome you and share some guidance about homework and how to develop learning at home. If you have any worries or concerns then please feel welcome to pop in and see me. You can drop a message into the school either in person, by phone or via e-mail (through the school office) and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills polished! You can also visit ClickView
I look forward to an exciting year of learning together.
Mrs Jenkinson.
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