A warm welcome to Ullswater Class!
We are a class of Year 3 and 4 children who love our learning! We are taught by Mrs Ross (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Cookson (Thursday and Friday).
Our class novel for the autumn term is the Iron Man. We are already hooked and eager to see what happens next in the story. Through our whole class reading sessions, we practise our fluency, expression and demonstrate our understanding of the text daily. In Ullswater class we Strive for 5! Children are encouraged to read at least five times a week at home and are rewarded for their efforts.
In our English sessions, we have made a fantastic start by writing Autumn poems, linked to our nature walk that we went on at the start of this term. We have many more exciting genres to visit this year and are looking forward to writing descriptive narratives.
We also have Numeracy sessions in the morning. We begin the year by learning about place value and number lines, moving on to addition and subtraction. We use a scheme called ‘Maths no Problem’ which the children are familiar with from Brunswick School. We will also be focussing on learning our times tables using Times Table Rock Stars – which the children can log in to at home. This allows children to participate in rock battles to improve their times table fluency, whilst having lots of fun! We also compete against each other on Sumdog to earn coins and improve our maths knowledge. The class have all taken home their log in details for these websites so they can continue their learning at home. (They are inside their Reading Records, if you need a reminder).
In Ullswater, we have shown great enthusiasm during their afternoon sessions; making a great start to our Science topic – Forces and Magnets. We are enjoying experimenting with different forces and investigating friction. In geography, we have enjoyed locating UK countries, counties and rivers using different maps. We regularly use our class iPads. As a class, we look at how to keep safe online and be responsible, technology users. We have been learning how to navigate FROG, our virtual learning environment, and do lots of different programming using Scratch.
Our history topic – Anglo-Saxons began with a fantastic workshop delivered by David from Tullie House. We were all super engaged and we are now very much looking forward to learning more about this historical period after half term.
This term we have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon- we are working on the fundamentals for sports with a focus on agility and throwing and catching skills so that we are ready to apply these skills to different sports throughout the year.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your new School Councillor or your teachers know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp! You can also visit ClickView
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your new School Councillor or your teacher know!
Remember to visit Frog every week and Sumdog or TTRS each day to keep your English and Maths skills sharp! You can also visit ClickView