Tackling Numbers with Aviva is a project which uses rugby as a vehicle to improve children’s numeracy skills.

It involves working in schools with Y4 children, linking rugby scoring systems to mental math tasks.
Year 4 were treated to a 6 week training program delivered by a Newcastle Falcons’ coach earlier this term, with the aim to inspire and promote awareness of key maths skills in real life. Keith Robinson, who delivered the course to our Year 4’s, said “We aim to improve children’s confidence in their number skills, linked with showing them how important these skills are in the real world”.
The rugby themed programme integrated interactive classroom maths sessions with practical, number-based rugby games. Many of the maths skills were focused on increasing confidence and their enjoyment of maths, with a key focus on building their money skills.

The course culminated in a Tag Rugby Tournament, which was held up at Penrith Rugby Club. A total of 10 school across the Eden District took part. Battling against all the elements (howling winds, hail and rain!) the North Lakes A and B team showed excellent resilience and risk-taking, putting into place the team work and skills they had been taught.
Notwithstanding the gale force winds all our children played with huge smiles on their faces and we managed to come top in the leader board. Well done indeed!