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Y4 Mini Tennis (April 2022)

Earlier this term, some children from Year 4 were chosen to take part in a Mini Tennis competition at Penrith Tennis Club. Before the event, the children practised really hard in school to improve their confidence in tennis and learn some new skills. We entered four teams and the children took turns to play singles games against children from other schools. It was hard for the coaches to keep score at times as the matches were very fast paced and exciting! The children from North Lakes School demonstrated the skills that they had learned. They especially enjoyed trying to send the ball to the back corner of the courts to make the opposition run further to get it!


Although our teams did not win, the children showed excellent  sportsmanship towards the other players and were a real credit to the school. They did a great job at cheering on both their own teams and the opposition, and all received a special  certificate for taking part in the event.

