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Viking Day (Oct 2011)

Children in Buttermere, Ullswater and Coniston Classes joined together to make amazing shields, cosy houses and colourful  Viking longships. Each child had to help design and make one object. They worked together and supported each other, shared ideas and designs and researched information. The finished results are fantastic.
What did the children think?
Devonne B - Working with my friends and being part of a team was great.
Eve B - Viking women were trained to use weapons to help protect their family.
Trey J - I enjoyed making a shield, especially the ‘boss’ on the front. I used a plastic pot, tissue paper and glue.
Harry M - Viking longships had boxes for the men to sit on; they could put items belonging to them inside.
Matthew M - It was all fun!
Georgia L - Viking boats were very strong because the wood was overlapped.
Taylor D - The construction of the houses was amazing. I’ve learnt about beams.
Rhian S - I liked going outside and playing with the shields.
Dylan R - I enjoyed making a shield; it let me experience what it would be like to make a real shield.


A special thank you goes to Mrs Phillips who spent many hours helping the children with weaving.

Vikings (Autumn 2011)
