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Tullie House Viking Day (Oct 2013)

On Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October, Year 3/4 visited Tullie House in Carlisle. 

First, we had to get onto a bus and drive to Carlisle. I had fun singing loudly on the bus! When we arrived at Tullie House we had to carefully get off the bus and enter the museum. I was already ravenous! 

We were met promptly by one of the museum's curators and she led us to the classroom. Then we were divided into our groups and completed some fun, little activities. I enjoyed making my own Viking necklace because I had to carefully cut out the hammer, it was tricky! Each group acted out a part of the story of Thor's hammer. I was one of the scary Frost Giants and had to say "No, way"! Also I had to wear a crazy white wig! By the end of this session we had all learnt a multitude of new and interesting facts about the Vikings.

After that, much to my relief, it was lunch time! I had delicious tuna salad sandwiches, a healthy apple and a tasty chockie bickie to finish. We had a heated argument about which was the best football team! Later, after we had finished lunch, we went downstairs to explore the museums amazing collection of Roman artefacts. I discovered that it had taken 8 years to build Hadrian's Wall (phew what a long time!). 

We then went upstairs and went on a walk through time. We moved through the Bronze Age where we stopped and drew some pictures. Next we went to the Romans and climbed Hadrian's wall. After that we walked down the interesting Roman street where were listened to the different sounds that we might have heard if we had really been there. Finally, we went to the Viking section of the museum. Here we did some excellent rubbings and saw some fascinating artefacts.

At the end of the day, we got onto the bus and drove back to school. Harry fell asleep on the way home, "It was the best sleep I've had for ages!". The bus arrived at school, we got off and then headed for our classrooms. Miss Hayes told us she was really proud of us "You have been such a delight today, 20 team points!". We had a marvellous day, I can't wait to go back. 
                                                                                   By Maddie, Ollie, and Harvey 