Eyes down, any line, full house and two little ducks - we heard those words a lot on our Bingo Night on Thursday 11th July. It was great to welcome families, many of who shouted when they won a line or became even more raucous if they won a full house!
Although it was hot and sweltering we had an eventful night as Mrs Knox and The Good Time Boys played us in and the school choir entertained us during the break. Lively chat and keen players were the order of the night.
The summer raffle saw many of our parents armed with prizes including chocolate, wine and passes to various tourist attractions. Our main prize was £50 and went to a parent with a child in Year 3. Thanks for coming - we raised £470 for schools funds! We always use this fundraising to subsidise the Christmas theatre production, meaning we only have to ask parents for just a small contribution!
Many thanks to our volunteers, there were many jobs to do including making chocolate hampers, buying refreshments, setting out tables and stalls, selling bingo tickets, raffle tickets, refreshments. We couldn't do it without YOU! Thanks again to those who kindly donated raffle prizes.