This term we have all enjoyed our Creative Partnerships Change Schools Project for 2011, called Deekabout - The Mixing Pot. Storytellers Ian and Jeff from Keswick based company Storytree worked with all five classes in school, and the children from Grasmere, to develop speaking, listening, thinking and storytelling skills.
The project came to a climax with a shared assembly, The Story So Far, on April 7th. Ullswater class told their own stories from Tanzania on How The Animals Became. Coniston class used song and dance to tell us all about the lives of the Masai warriors in Tanzania, all based on their own research.
Y5/6 shared their learning on the Border Reivers. Elterwater produced an entertaining and informative news broadcast. Buttermere took part in live debates on issues such as blackmail and theft. Rydal Water conducted a mock trial of a Border Reiver, William Graham, to explore whether he was innocent or guilty.
Well done to all the children for their ideas, creativity and resilience - and huge thanks to Story Tree for their skill in developing the children’s ideas so well.