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Spring 2011 Update

We’ve recently received correspondence from Mr Shayo, Headteacher at our link school in Uru. The staff and children are well and the rainy season has just begun. Uru is a very fertile area and so the village depends on these rains to irrigate their crops and produce a full harvest.
Mr Shayo and staff are well on the way to reaching their target to improve the dining facilities for all children at the school. This development has been possible from the monies which Mrs Clark, Miss Hayes and I took out in the Autumn Term. We have a few photographs of the much improved conditions which will enable children to eat in cleaner more pleasant surroundings. These will soon be displayed on the school website and Moodle. The longer term aim is to provide electricity to the Dining Hall and make the building a community facility, available to rent for weddings and to use as a polling station, which in the long run will generate an income for the school. Mr Shayo has asked us to thank all pupils and parents again for their generosity and help.
The Uru pupils have also written letters and these will be distributed this week to children at North Lakes. If your child does receive a letter, can we ask you to encourage them to reply. If you could place the letters in an envelope, showing the name of who it is addressed to and also your own name, that would be helpful. If there is no name attached to your letter just address it to A Dear Friend. If your child brings the letter into school and leaves it at the school office then we will make sure the letter is taken on the next visit in early August. If you are a Year 6 pupil and wish to correspond then please do so - any replies we receive will be forwarded to one of the secondary schools. Postage is poor in this area of the world and over the years we have realised that this is the quickest and most effective way of communication between the schools. 
The Year 3 and 4 children have really enjoyed studying Tanzania in a little more detail this term and have participated in a number of interesting activities. This helps children to widen their thoughts and to learn the differences between a contrasting location and the area and environment they are brought up in.                 
Mrs Greenwood