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Sports Day (June 2019)

Due to the unusual patterns of the British weather, this year Sports Day 2019 was a day of two halves. The wet morning weather did not dampen the children’s enthusiasm and after a disappointing start to the day, the sun shone and we were able to press ahead with the track and field finals in the afternoon.


During the month of June, all children take part in a series of lessons, learning running techniques along with javelin and shot put throwing skills. The fastest runners and athletes are selected to put their skills to the test in a final performance competing for a place on the podium as well as earning points for the team trophy. Some fantastic individual performances were witnessed from a range of talented athletes. Also, some close finishes tested Miss Swinbank’s and Mrs Greenwood’s eyes!


A week later, we were blessed with great weather to participate in our team activities.  In a carnival atmosphere and an event full of colour, all children took part with great commitment and pride, wanting their team to top the scores. From obstacle challenges testing speed and agility, through collaboration games, to events like javelin and bean bag throw requiring more accuracy, everyone had a part to play.


Our team work winners this year were Blencathra who outscored their rivals narrowly as a result of their excellent communication, mutual support, organisation and positive behaviour – well done!


It was blue all the way as Blencathra also picked up the prestigious Performance Points Trophy, scoring strongly over the two sessions in both team events and the track and field finals. Well done Blencathra; you have put a marker down for the other teams to beat next year!


Many thanks to all those parents and staff who helped to supervise the event, and made it all possible. Further thanks to sponsors Eden Valley Mineral Water for the Aqua Pura water bottles. The company have sponsored our Sports Day for a number of years and their help is very much appreciated- thank you! 


A final thanks go to our Friends of NLS support group who sold refreshments, raffle tickets, and raised over £100 towards our school funds – thank you!                                                 

