Despite the appalling weather the stoic, determined cast of‘Sleeping Beauty’ made it to North Lakes to perform their pantomime! Atrocious, hazardous conditions didn’t stop them; they arrived at North Lakes at 7.45am on Thursday December 2nd and, of course, we were open! They set up their scenery, dressed in their costumes and then practised prior to starting at 9.30am. We heard voice warm ups and actors working through their scenes. This company. M & M Productions, are true professionals!!
Most of our pupils made it in! They didn’t want to miss one of these dynamic performances. It was worth the trudge through the snow - they were great! We all had our favourite characters. The witch was very popular with her high pitched voice. The actors were so talented, each playing 2 characters. The actors loved our audience! We oohed, arred, booed, cheered, shouted ‘Look behind you!’ and ‘ Kiss her if you want to be a Prince!’ Our pupils added that essential magic to this panto. A massive thank you to the parents group whose fund raising efforts pay for the pantomime. Next year’s production is already booked - so please continue to support our events so that we can pay for it! It was fantastic - Oh, yes, it was! Thank you parent’s group!