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Showcasing North Lakes at BETT 2018 (Jan 2018)

In January, Mr Soulsby was invited back to speak at the BETT Exhibition in London by Frog Education. This was to showcase our Golden Apple ‘Best Use of Technology’ Award and demonstrate how our whole school community use our FrogLearn Site enhance learning, forge links locally and nationally and how we are developing our Parent Portal, Staff Dashboard and Governor Portal.  The event, which is the world’s leading education technology event, attracts more than 35,000 visitors from over 138 countries.


During the day, the children’s work on Frog was shared through a presentation other Frog schools who were visiting the exhibition as well as being broadcast live on Facebook.  North Lakes School also represented Frog Education at the BETT Awards, where they won ‘Best Online Content’ for their National Theatre On Demand  resource which many of our current Y6 loved last year when they explored Treasure Island.


Well done to everyone who contributes to Frog both in school and on our Parent Portal – there is some fantastic collaborative work developing which everyone should be very proud of!  If you have not visited our FrogLearn site with your child, ask them to give you a guided tour!                                                              

by Mr Soulsby

