Science is an exciting and dynamic subject that engages the children’s curiosity about the world around them. We aim to reflect this through a practical and investigative approach to teaching and learning.
The science curriculum at North Lakes School is designed to provide children with a coherent framework for learning that will build their understanding of ten fundamental concepts in Science.
We aim for the children to develop:
The Science curriculum is planned through Knowledge Organisers which provide a sequence of activities that will develop their skills to work scientifically. This includes:
Through discussion, observation and practical activities, we seek to build on children’s existing scientific ideas and thinking, giving them a clear and growing understanding of basic scientific concepts.
Children extend their knowledge and understanding of concepts associated with plants and animals, materials and physical processes, such as light and sound. They use skills developed in English and Maths to present, communicate and explain their ideas and opinions.
As well as developing the children’s knowledge of scientific facts and concepts, our curriculum plans are designed to build their key scientific skills:
Throughout our Science teaching in the school, we expect the children to enjoy themselves, show curiosity, perseverance, self-discipline and ingenuity.
During the initial stages of an investigation, they use their planning skills and noticing skills to build on previous knowledge. They use their collaboration skills during investigations, ensuring they work together and take advantage of each individual’s strengths. Other skills put into practise and strengthened during Science are reasoning, questioning and making links.
The children are taught to develop respect for the environment and to be aware of their own health and safety.
Subject Leaders: Miss L Johnston & Mrs S Parkinson