A good range of fresh home cooked meals are provided each day by Orian Solutions, and cooked in our kitchen on site. A three week menu is available on the website and meals are ordered online via Orian’s ‘Lunch Shop’. Children are able to select from a choice of options. The menu includes a variety of healthy, well balanced meals, including a vegetarian option and a salad bar, working towards government nutritional guidelines. School Council meets with the cook to give feedback on meals and plan new suggestions.
If you think that your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, applications can be made online by accessing the Cumbria County Council website. If you are unable to apply online, please telephone the Free School Meals Team at the local authority on 01228 606060. Families are encouraged to apply for free school meal funding, as this is a valuable grant which also provides additional opportunities for the children through ‘Pupil Premium’ funding. The strictest confidentiality is maintained over the issue and children are not identified in the school. If you are successful in your FSM application, you will also receive clothing vouchers to go towards the cost of school uniform.
Children who bring packed lunches are able to eat with those having school meals. For the health and wellbeing of the children, while being fair and equitable to all, we ask that all packed lunches brought from home and consumed in school provide pupils with healthy and nutritional food that meets national standards. We advocate a balanced packed lunch and we ask that children do not bring chocolate, sweets, salty snacks or fizzy drinks. Please note, due to severe allergies, we are a nut free school.
Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises at lunchtime, unless they go home for dinner. If, at any time, it is necessary for a child to leave the premises a note should be sent to the class teacher.
Updated Nov 2021