North Lakes School has a strong policy on Anti-Bullying, and children, staff, parents and governors agree there is no place for bullying in school. It was Anti-Bullying Week on the 18-22 November and many children bought blue wristbands to wear and show their support for this important campaign.
In assemblies during the week children learned about the 4Rs that help to stop bullying: first we need to Recognise it and then take Responsibility to do something about it. We then need to React in a good way and finally, always Report this to an adult.
BULLYING = Harmful actions that are DELIBERATE, REPEATED and UNFAIR
One of our Golden Rules is “Say No to Bullying- Be a Defender, Not a Bystander!” and children learned some good strategies to stand up to bullying in a safe and sensible way.
We now have playground buddies in special blue hoodies who look to support children every playtime. This was a really worthwhile week and was very successful, in getting a clear understanding of what we mean by bullying (harmful actions that are deliberate, repeated and unfair), and a shared commitment not to tolerate bullying in our school.
Well done, everyone!