Rydal Water have had a productive Spring Term. We kicked the year off with a Bridge building project inspired by our history work last term about Victorian railways Whilst designing bridges, we also wrote biographies about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We gained inspiration from ClickView videos and developed our note; taking skills and used mini-clips to help us embed a wider range of punctuation. We have really enjoyed this term’s class novel - Who Let The Gods Out and have also explored several Greek Myths. Our novel and myths have inspired us to create our own Myths as well as exciting instructions.
We loved World Book Day and were excited to receive the new picture story books as well as the new books that Mr Soulsby has bought for the class – remember to request one of the ‘Adventures on Trains’ books via our class time.
In Science we have enjoyed learning about Independence, Adaptation, Inheritance and Evolution; we loved our Bird of Prey day and were interested to learn how Birds of Prey have adapted. We are looking forward to exploring the Circulatory System and making links with exercise and PE. We enjoy working with our sports coach, Mr Hart and are continuing to strive towards our 100 Mile Challenge!
Our creativity continues to flourish – we have explored printing and Greek Pottery. In Music we used our Garage Band skills to perform with live instruments as a class orchestra; we are now starting to prepare for the Sage Big Sing.
Rydal Water have really developed their iPad skills on our Avanti iPads – having one each has really helped us to use them to support our learning – we regularly use them to access lesson tools for our learning, develop our number fluency and save paper using more electronic copies of resources (we are helping to reduce our carbon footprint!).
The class have worked really hard on their home learning and should be proud of the homework they have produced on Frog. We have been working really hard to develop our home learning through Frog. Parents can view our homework tasks via the MyFrog app and know when we have completed tasks (or not completed them!). Look out for the Easter Egg hunt on Frog (and the Parent Portal over Easter).
We have some amazing Times Table Rock Stars who have been working very hard to develop their multiplication skills this term by regularly looking at their heatmaps and consequently improving their personal Rock Star Status – visit our class time line each week to see Rock Star Status updates. Our class average recall time is less than 1.3 seconds!
A big thank you to all of the adults we work with in school and especially our parents and carers. We look forward to seeing everyone again for the Summer term, STAY SAFE and have a lovely Easter break