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Reading Chairs (Summer 2012)

Year 5 and 6 decided to extend their learning so that it would be beneficial to the whole school. Initially we designed our own reading chair, we had to look at colour , pattern, materials they would use, the message that we wanted to convey. Eventually we worked together in groups and developed a whole group design , then made the chair.


The groups consisted of 6 to 8 people, each person had to make a significant contribution, the chair had to reflect the ideas of the whole group. 7 reading chairs were made. The basic frame is a deckchair , from there the shape grew from Willow sculpture, tissue and a variety of other materials.  The Willow is an extension of our class projects where we have focused on the forests within Australia and the Amazon of Brazil.


Each chair is different, exciting and vibrant. They were all allocated to a class in assembly by Mr Pincombe. Year 5 and 6 also made a chair for the Wordworth Bookshop (St Andrew's churchyard) who have encouraged us with our reading all term.
As a year 5 and 6 group we hope that the chairs we inspire readers. Perhaps fluent book hooked readers might take a risk in the chair and try something new. We hope that some people will read to their friends from the reading chairs, while others practice their reading skills. The reading chairs might provide that additional piece of reading magic to encourage reading.
We put some questions on Moodle explaining why we made the chairs and hoped that we might get some responses to our questions. It has been the icing on the cake to get a thank you.
We did enjoy making the chairs, sometimes though we had to remember to take that risk to ensure that the chair was just that little bit more dynamic, or to develop our resilience and stick at it, particularly when we were adding those final touches, lettering, glitter etc.
We hope that our reading chairs give you a little bit of pleasure and that you enjoy your reading in them!!