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Penrith Junior Chess League (Spring 2018)

On the 2nd of February, a group of children set off to participate in a chess tournament at Long Marton School.  Representing North Lakes School were Archie, Connor, Neehal and Katie W.  During the morning, we split off into different groups so we could learn how to master a variety of techniques for the competition ahead of us.  Working as a team, we were able to achieve 2nd place overall with our individual points (Katie 7 points, Archie 3½ points, Connor 4½ points and Neehal also with 4 ½ points.)  Katie was able to make it to the semi-finals but sadly lost so she had to do a final round for 3rd place.  This mind-challenging game set us all past the highest expectation North Lakes School sent us with. 


We would like to thank Mr Duke for his company and support to the team! Always remember we are looking for new members for September.

By Katie W & Archie, Y6

