All you had to do was wear odd socks! It was a great way to highlight Anti-Bullying Week and celebrate what makes us all unique! It was held on Tuesday 12th and everyone participated. There were some wonderful combinations: spots, stripes, different colours, patterns, textures. Some odd socks complemented each other, some clashed!
What it emphasises is that we are all unique individuals and come in all shapes and sizes. We are liked and loved for who we are. Every single one of us is special and so valued in our families, school and the wider community. North Lakes is a very inclusive school and we celebrate all strengths and differences-we value everyone. A smile at the start of our day makes us feel treasured and valued.
Nurturing positive relationships is so important. Sometimes we have our differences but we have to learn to respect others’ opinions and preferences and resolve any difficulties without resorting to unkindness.
North Lakes works hard to ensure that everyone feels ‘safe’ and our playtime buddies are there to ensure that we can all feel invited, welcome and included in any playtime.
Our motto is ‘Be a defender, not a bystander!’ It is our expectation that we look after each other and if something unkind is happening that it isn’t ignored! Anyone is the vicinity can help! Tell the instigator that their behaviour is not acceptable and talk to an adult! This is a good motto to take into life.
Our golden rule is “Treat others as they would like to be treated.” We are all different but we are all equal, and no-one is more important than anyone else.