Netball is a great sport, I love playing it with my friends and every year we have a competition. The local tournament this year was a great success because we won 14:2, which was quite easy to do because there was only one other team who had not had as much practice as we had! Everyone had a chance to play in the team and we took turns sitting out and marking the score. It was a great game, and now we are in the “Champions League” final against some tougher teams.
At the start of each lesson we have a warm up with a partner or sometimes Mrs. Phillips will give us tips on how we can do better in the next game we play. Mrs Phillips often blows the whistle and stops us to tell us what we have done well or what we could do better. Mrs Phillips and Miss Hayes help us to do the best we can so we can transfer our skills to the proper match!
We hope to get some new Netball kits soon and that will mean every other school can tell who we are. Everyone can play Netball, not just girls so maybe you could give it a try! Come along to practices every Monday after school - all welcome!
By Maisie J