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Medicines in School

In the interests of child protection there is a strict policy on medicines in school. Essential medication must be handed to the school office staff by an adult - never by a child. Medicines must be in a bottle or package clearly labelled with the child’s name. Adults must complete and sign a form with clear instructions on the medication including the child’s name, dosage and time to be taken. Staff will only take charge of the medication and supervise its administration if these clear instructions have been provided. Children with asthma are placed on the asthma register and must be provided with an up to date, named inhaler in school which is kept in a designated box in the classroom.


Children who have  an illness/diagnosis will have an Individual Health Plan (IHP). This enables staff to meet the needs of these children consistently, as an IHP provides essential information on procedures and medication. All medicines are locked in the medical cabinet within school. They must be brought to school by an adult and handed to an adult.  They must be collected by an adult at the end of the school day.


Updated October 2024



Essential Documents

