A real treat was in store for our Y6 children who were invited to QEGS to meet Joseph Delaney the children’s author famous for his ‘Spooks’ series. In fact one of his books is being made into a Hollywood Blockbuster with Jeff Bridges playing the lead part! Joseph entertained us for 45 minutes as he told us what inspired him to become a writer. He was born and brought up in Preston where he loved books and visiting the library. One of his earliest memories is of his mum putting him on the bus to the library each week! He talked to us about how he motivated him self to write, how he kept going, how he reflected and improved his initial efforts. His main message was to never, ever, ever give up!
When he first looked for a publisher to show an interest in his books, He had so many rejection letters that he lost count, but he kept going and in the end he achieved SUCCESS! He talked to us about editors who act as writing buddies and give him constructive advice. Joseph talked about the power of someone else looking over your shoulder as a writer and making really valuable suggestions! We bought several ‘Spooks’ books for school, and they have all been taken out– this is a very good sign!!