Many of you will have noticed the changes taking place at the front of school over the past few months. This has been possible due to a successful bid for a £20,000 grant from the Healthy Pupils Capital Fund, commonly known as the “Sugar Tax” fund. This funding has been used to improve facilities for fitness, wellbeing, safeguarding and security. The children have been consulted each step of the way through the work of the School Council who have made choices throughout the process.
The fencing at the front of school has been replaced and security improved. A fitness trail has been painted on the superb new front yard surface, and new netball posts are on the way. The final phase of the project will see a new seating area, artificial grass and drums to be sited outside Ullswater classroom. The Mini Police group have spent time planting and growing flowers to enhance the whole area and have also fitted D Day Remembrance Poppies to the fence. The children are all enjoying the improvements and many are much more active at break times.