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Formal Complaints Procedure

We very much hope that you and your child will be very happy at North Lakes School, and that any concerns that may arise are dealt with swiftly by our staff.
However, we recognise that there may be an occasion when you are not entirely happy with an aspect of the service that we provide, and that you want the school to deal with your concern through a more formal process. The attached policies set out our policies for dealing with concerns and complaints, based on national DfE guidance.
If you are concerned in any way about your child’s education, it is important that you tell us about this. You should first discuss your concerns with your child’s class teacher. If you are still concerned you should arrange to see the Headteacher, who will do all he can to help. As a staff we wish your children to have an enjoyable education and will do all that is possible to resolve your concerns to ensure you are happy with your child’s education.

