Friends of North Lakes have raised over £1000 this Autumn Term with the 3 main events: the Chocolate Bingo, the Santa Drive and the Spook and Sparkle Disco. Playground games will be replenished and replaced with the funds raised. Our games are used every playtime and some need rejuvenation. The children are all involved with choosing playground equipment and ideas are shared at the School Council meetings.
A massive thank you to all children, parents and carers who have supported ‘Friends of North Lakes’ with their time, support and donations. Thank you for contributing to class hampers and for buying raffle tickets.
Friends of North Lakes want to say huge thanks to Laura and Jon Hulse-Davis who have been joint Chair people for several years. They have been a fabulous support to the group and the school community. Jon has designed all posters prior to events. Thanks as well to our treasurer John Lancaster who does all of the counting after an event - quite a task!!!
We are still working hard as “Friends of North Lakes” and are always looking for new members to come and actively support us. We share responsibilities, working together. Please support us by attending our ‘Friends of North Lakes’ meetings. We appreciate all support, new ideas and new energy!
The next ‘Friends of North Lakes’ meeting will be Tuesday 14th January at 3.30pm Please come along - children welcome!
Once again many thanks to parents, children and the local community for all donations and supporting us in all we do. WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!
Merry Christmas to you all!
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