Cheap bananas are threatening farmers' futures.
We try to sell Fairtrade fruit when we can from our Healthy Tuck table and during Fairtrade fortnight Mrs Knox stocked up on bananas, oranges and grapes with the Fairtrade logo. We promoted Fairtrade Fortnight by labelling the fruits which support the farmers and fruit growers in the scheme. The Fairtrade Foundation supplied us with bright stickers and publicity posters to use to encourage our children to buy ethically produced fruit.
Children were encouraged to think about the meaning of fair trade during Philosophy sessions, creating questions and discussing their ideas. While during assembly time Mr Pincombe highlighted the positive affect buying Fair Trade has upon families in other countries. We have become more aware of what the symbol of Fair Trade means Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

In our special assembly, we saw an interview with 'Foncho', a Colombian banana farmer, who explained how, in many supermarkets over the last 10 years, the price of loose bananas has halved while the cost of producing them has doubled. This is forcing many of the farmers and workers who grow them into poverty.
Foncho appealed to Vince Cable MP to act now on supermarket pricing systems in order to save the future of Britain’s favourite fruit. We can do our bit to help these unfortunate people by buying Fairtrade products whenever we can.