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Excellence in Eden Orchestra Day & Music Conference (March 2015)

Orchestra Day

On Tuesday 24th March, Clarinettists Ollie and Josh from Year 5 and Flautists Abby H and Rhian from Y6 took part in a special Orchestra Day organised by Excellence in Eden which was held at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School.  It was a great day and the children thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to meet other musicians and play pieces like the Doctor Who and James Bond themes as part of a large orchestra.


Primary Music Conference

Later in the week a group of Y6 students represented North Lakes at the Excellence in Eden Primary Music Teaching Conference where they took part alongside the delegates in a demonstration Charanga Music lesson based on  Mamma Mia taught by Mr Soulsby. It incorporated Flutes, Clarinets, Glockenspiels, Recorders, Voices, Children AND Adults (all 25 of them!).  Y6 were excellent ambassadors for NLS once again flying the flag for creativity and music!

